Conducting a thorough analysis of knowledge and skill gaps among individuals and teams, in consultation with stakeholders, to ensure programs align with the organization’s strategic goals.
Developing clear training objectives and preparing comprehensive training content that includes various teaching methods to ensure a holistic and integrated training process.
Recruiting specialized trainers with deep expertise in the target area, and providing them with the necessary support to achieve program goals effectively.
Providing a suitable training environment, whether in-person or online, and executing training activities according to the planned schedule, with a focus on interaction and practical application.
Using advanced assessment tools to measure knowledge and skill levels before and after the program, enabling precise evaluation of training effectiveness.
Tracking participants’ application of learned concepts in the workplace and providing necessary support to ensure goal achievement.
Collecting feedback from participants and trainers to continually update and enhance training programs.
تسعى شركة رؤى إلى تقديم أحدث برامج التدريب الإداري والتطوير المهني، وتهدف إلى تزويد المؤسسات بأحدث المعارف والمهارات التي تمكنهم من تحقيق أعلى مستويات الأداء الوظيفي والاستفادة القصوى من إمكانياتهم
رقم التسجيل الضريبي : 100503717900003
رقم التصريح : 630364
Roya Company seeks to provide the latest management training and professional development programs, and aims to provide institutions with the latest knowledge and skills that enable them to achieve the highest levels of job performance and make the most of their potential.
Tax Registration Number: 100503717900003
Permit Number: 630364