Training Plan

Training Plan 2025

Training and Consulting Services and Programs

1. Human Resources

2. Training and Administrative Development Management

3. Managerial, Supervisory, and Leadership

4. Institutional and Technical Sector

5. Planning and Strategies Department

6. Quality Management and Systems

7. Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence

8. Human Resources

9. Customer Service

10. Information Technology

11. Digital Media and Social Media

12. Protocol and Etiquette

13. Secretariat and Office Management

14. Administrative Assistants Development

15. Marketing and Sales

16. Social Development and Services

17. Economics and Foreign Trade

18. Specialized Legal Programs

19. Financial Accounting and Performance Monitoring Department

20. Auditing and Review Department

21. Government, Privatization, and Insurance Department

22. Diplomatic Programs and Public Relations Sector

23. Training in Special Needs

24. Statistics Department

25. Project Management Training

26. Engineering, Technical, and Maintenance Sector

27. Engineering, Technical, and Maintenance Sector

28. Industrial Inspection and Monitoring

29. Security and Safety Sector

30. Environmental Management

31. Feasibility Studies and Project Evaluation

32. Safety, Security, and Inspection

33. Archiving, Documents, and Records Management

34. Real Estate and Finance Training

35. Marketing and Sales Training

36. Commerce and Economics Training

37. Logistics Services Training

38. Construction and Mechanical Skills Training

39. Language Learning

التسجيل على دورة

الرجاء ملئ المعلومات التالية وسنتصل بكم لإتمام التسجيل
قم بإختيار الدورة التدريبية
رؤى للتدريب و الإستشارات الإدارية